The Role of the General Education Teacher on the IEP Team

The following guidelines have been provided by the Texas Education Agency ( to explain the role of the general education teacher on the IEP team.

Federal (IDEA) and state laws require that a general education teacher, familiar with the child, be involved as a member of the IEP team. This symbolizes that the IEP meeting must focus first on the general education classroom and the general education curriculum, and on what is needed to support the child in that setting. The general education teacher should be viewed as the “expert” who should assist the IEP team in better understanding the intricacies of the general education curriculum and how best to provide support to the student in the classroom.

The general education teacher is responsible for sharing the following information:

  1. The general education curriculum in the regular classroom, and possible changes to the educational program that will help the child learn and achieve;
  2. The strategies that have been attempted to help the child with behavior, if behavior is an issue, including positive behavioral interventions;
  3. The type of consultations / supports for school staff that are needed so that the child can:
    1. Advance toward his or her annual goals,
    2. Be involved and progress in the general curriculum, as much as is reasonable
    3. Participate in extracurricular and other activities,
    4. Be educated with other children, both with and without disabilities


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